No matter where the students come from, everyone should feel welcome and like an important part of the classroom.
Unytus will be used for formal learning in the classrooms and remote learning at home. In the intended educational setting Unytus will be used to supplement ELA, informed by CRP, through cultural content and activities in stories and lesson plans.
CRP is quintessential to address gaps in educational opportunity and achievement, as well as to promote belonging and critical thinking. To contribute to intellectually rigorous and culturally relevant classrooms that have the power to improve the lives of not just diverse students, but all children (Ladson-Billings, G. 2009), Unytus incorporates following CRP principles
Unytus stories engage elementary students via a learning comprehension, and vocabulary intervention program following Common Core State Standards for ELA as described below.
Academic studies have proven that students get motivated and interested in the literature and reading materials presented with cultural relevance.
A creative way for schools to access funds to purchase Unytus for students using Title I and Title IV funds.
Unytus encourages ELA learning and promotes safe & healthy schools, a well-rounded education, and utilizes digital technology, making it eligible for Title I and Title IV funds.