About Us


Unytus eases ELA (English Language Arts) learning for elementary students through culturally responsive tools to meet the growing need of promoting DEI policies while retaining academic excellence. Unytus’ inaugural offering is an analog program that provides pre-packaged content for teachers to execute lessons and engage students.

We ought to live in an online world where the geographies are no longer the boundary and our students are going to compete with colleagues sitting in some village in a 3rd world country for the future jobs. It is important to bring DEI practices in our schools, and teach our students to embrace each other’s culture and differences to become the global citizens of 21st century.

The Unytus analog product includes:

Content for multiple countries.Every country has 4 lessons plans 

Culture’s foundation rests on the equitable principles of Kindness, Respect, Empathy and Sharing. Hence our characters Kindus, Respectus, Empathy and Sharitus are the backbone of the lesson plans. Through the stories our characters not only get the students familiar with the basic knowledge of each country but also the culture so that every student sees themselves in some stories and also embrace the existence of their fellow students.

While cultural learning is important, it is meaningless without maintaining academic excellence, hence our stories do not exist in isolation but are embedded into ELA curriculum informed by Common Core state standards (CCSS).

Students will get attracted towards the colorful materials and giveaways which have been thoroughly thought and planned. These materials will motivate them to begin the learning and after every story there is a giveaway that will make them ask for more lessons so that they continue to complete their learning of various cultures with ELA excellence.